letsencrypt SSL certificates
to have https://letsencrypt.org/ implemented to have (at least on testing and acceptance) free SSL certificates. Would be great for testing purposes.
We implemented dehydratyed, a letsencrypt client for use on hypernode.
Anonymous commented
Would be great!
Anonymous commented
Micha commented
Imy waiting ;)
Hans Kuijpers commented
any progress on this item? Letsencrypt is no longer beta.
Peter Jaap Blaakmeer commented
Certificates can now be issued. Let's encrypt!
Mark van der Sanden commented
@sander GA is scheduled for mid November: https://letsencrypt.org/2015/08/07/updated-lets-encrypt-launch-schedule.html
Sander Mangel commented
@mark saw a Tweet this morning how they are now accepted by all major browsers so I think they're up and running
Mark van der Sanden commented
But in the new SSL-interface for Hypernode, isn't it already possible to use these certificates? As far as I understand, the organisation is not yet issuing any certificates so I can't test.