Additional ports for Hypernode staging environment
Hypernode currently supports ports ;-) 10080 and 10443
I would like additional support for alternative ports.
My typical use case is Cloudflare which does not support 10080 / 10443
, see
But I can imagine other services might also use other ports as well
and therefore can only be properly tested on Hypernode staging when addtional ports are allowed.

We deployed a configuration with more ports for staging last week. It can now be reached on: 8880, 8888, 10080 for http, 8443 and 10443 for https :)
Enno Stuurman commented
Great && thanx, gonna try && test !
Joram van den Boezem commented
Agreed, quite a lot of integrations / firewalls only allow http traffic on ports 80/443/8080/8443. Would be great if staging could (also) be listening on those alternative ports.