Add sass / compass support
Sass / compass is a css pre-compiler which is used in the default Magento 1.9 responsive theme. Supporting this in Hypernode is a 'no-brainer' IMO .
More info:

Enno Stuurman commented
Byte thx for adding sass/compass and nodejs ! -
Anonymous commented
Graag deze Sass/ compass (Is ook voor ons nuttig)
Met vriendeijke groet
Jaap Krijgmsna -
Enno Stuurman commented
Another reason to add Sass / Compass support to Hypernode .
Magento 2 default frontend will support Sass too,
Enno Stuurman commented
Jeroen, true, it is possible to compile SASS / Less locally and deploy to Hypernode.
I however requested this feature not for the tech savvy ones, but to lower the entry barrier for those who lack the knowledge to install the Hypernode Vagrantbox and setup an IDE with local Sass / Less compilation.
My aim: allow more people to use the native RWD theme in full potential (i.e. with Sass compiling)
Jeroen Boersma commented
There is a vagrantbox available for Hypernode, in that case you could work locally, compile and deploy.
Rachel TAH commented
+1 For this
Enno Stuurman commented
@Peter Jaap,
My RFC is only meant for those who want to use Hypernode (staging) as their dev environment and need Sass / compass to compile the native Magento 1.9x RWD theme or any other theme with .scss files. Same question could be asked for LESS support (Magento 2).
Scssphp is an interesting suggestion ;-) , I have no experience with it, but found this post
What would be the benefit above Sass according to you? -
Peter Jaap Blaakmeer commented
Why would this need to be in Hypernode itself? Compiling can happen through scssphp or similar, right?